Assisted Living Insurance Someone I Know Needs Assisted Living Facility, But Has No Income Or Insurance Is There Somewhere He Can Stay?

Someone I know needs assisted living facility, but has no income or insurance is there somewhere he can stay? - assisted living insurance

These are the hospitals in the Dallas area that would exist in the middle, but that aggressive treatment could terminate (eg chemotherapy)


a-mazed said...

Wow - America is not only a great place to visit for? But you do not want to live here. . .
We're sorry that you know someone in this impossible situation --
Contact your local Salvation Army - at least in ---WHO/WHERE can begin to look for things that you need.
Department of Social Services is a connection must be made. . . and social security.
Good luck to you and yours - bless you for your help.

curmudge... said...

Talk to the County Department. social services.

mati said...

Look for John Howard Society in your area, maybe just a Canadian thing, I do not know? Call the YMCA have connections?

mati said...

Look for John Howard Society in your area, maybe just a Canadian thing, I do not know? Call the YMCA have connections?

Ovaga said...

It is not known.

reneeval... said...

It must be able to go to assisted living through Medicaid. Because if it in this state should be eligible.

reneeval... said...

It must be able to go to assisted living through Medicaid. Because if it in this state should be eligible.

reneeval... said...

It must be able to go to assisted living through Medicaid. Because if it in this state should be eligible.

resepugh said...

I work in the long-term care, and for 6 years trying to coordinate with Medicare and Medicaid, must help in the situation.

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